Harrison Park Students Create from Junk (9-11-23) “Junk Box Wars” provide excellent learning experiences
Students Brainstorm Desserts (9-8-23) Trafford Middle School 7th-graders enjoy persuasive writing lesson
UPMC East Lab Workers Donate to Trafford Elementary School (9-7-23) Outdoor recess equipment will be useful during playground fundraising
Congratulations to the 2023 Penn-Trafford Homecoming Court! (9-7-23) Homecoming festivities are slated for September 22-23
Students Get the Giggles During Grammar Lesson (9-5-23) 'Mad Libs' style lesson was a hit at McCullough
Students Begin School Year With ‘Get to Know You’ Activity (9-1-23) Harrison Park 3rd-graders get reacquainted after summer break
Level Green Classroom Receives Makeover (8-31-23) Fox's Pizza (N. Huntingdon) sponsors classroom changes
State Police Preach Anti-Bullying to PT Students (8-30-23) District's 4th and 5th graders learn about the dangers and consequences of bullying