Special ‘Mystery Reader’ Surprises Level Green Student

All throughout the month of March, the first-grade classes at Level Green Elementary School have enjoyed a ‘Mystery Reader’ program. On each school day in March, a different student was given five clues about a family member.  After the fifth clue, that person revealed him/herself to the student by coming in and reading a book to the class.

It was a very special day for first-grader Tyler Martz when his dad joined the class via a pre-recorded message from Djibouti, Africa where he has been deployed since Christmas.   “This was a wonderful and heartfelt surprise for Tyler and his classmates,” said teacher Mrs. Shogan. “The last clue was ‘I am very far away’ and Tyler still did not believe it was his dad until I opened the video!”


Tyler Martz (left) with his father, Army Captain Gregory Martz who joined the class in a pre-recorded message

Tyler Martz (left) with his father, Army Captain Gregory Martz who joined the class in a pre-recorded message


Mrs. Shogan’s 1st grade class with Martz on the video screen

Mrs. Shogan’s 1st grade class with Martz on the video screen


Tyler’s look of surprise on seeing his father

Tyler’s look of surprise on seeing his father