Parent/Student Info » Registration


Welcome to the Penn-Trafford School District!  There are several steps to the registration process, which are outlined below.  Please contact us if you are unsure which school your child will attend. Penn-Trafford students do NOT need to be registered again if they are already enrolled for the current school year.
Please take a moment to complete the pre-registration form (linked above).   
Once the above step is completed and approved, you will receive an email with instructions to create a PowerSchool parent/guardian account.  PowerSchool is an online portal where parents/guardians can log in to enter/update personal information and also access their child's grades, assignments, scores, attendance, schedules, and school bulletins.
Complete the following forms in the PowerSchool portal.
(Under Enrollment Tab)
  • Student Demographics
  • Student Address
  • Legal Guardian Info
  • Home Language Survey
  • Residence Survey
  • Student Services History
  • Health History
  • Upload Documents (Proof of student’s age, Parent/guardian identification, Immunization records, Custody agreement/papers (if applicable), Residency verification, Physical/Dental forms
(Under General Forms Tab)
  • Emergency Contact Information
  • Student Health Information
  • Student Health Authorizations
  • Chromebook/iPad Handbook Agreement
If you cannot provide proof of residency, you must submit the following form to Dr. Tiffany Nix at the Penn-Trafford Administration Building:
Please contact the secretary at the school your child will attend with any questions about registration or to make a registration appointment.
Harrison Park Elementary School - 724-744-2161
Level Green Elementary School - 412-372-6603
McCullough Elementary School - 724-744-7441
Sunrise Estates Elementary School  - 724-864-6700
Trafford Elementary School - 412-372-6600
Penn Middle School - 724-744-4431
Trafford Middle School - 412-372-6600
Penn-Trafford High School - 724-744-4471

Registration Requirements

  • Kindergarten entry for the 2025-26 school year requires the child to be five years of age on or before September 1, 2025.
  • First-grade entry for the 2025-26 school year requires the child to be six years of age on or before September 1, 2025.
  • Children enrolled in district kindergarten classes in the current school year do not need to register for first grade next year.
Please note:  Penn-Trafford offers only half-day kindergarten (Morning AM - 9:00 to 11:45 or Afternoon PM - 12:45 to 3:30)