Penn-Trafford High School Holds Job and Opportunity Fair for Students (5-13-22) Over 400 students took advantage of the event
Penn-Trafford Names May “Students of the Month” (5-10-22) Students are recognized at School Board Meeting
Students Leave Their Mark at TMS (5-10-22) Artistic 8th-graders paint the periodic table in science classroom
Trafford Students Enjoy 'Spring Fling' (5-5-22) TMS dance featured dancing, refreshments, and prize raffles
Student-Built Contraptions Are Put to the Test (5-5-22) PMS and TMS students develop Rube Goldberg machines
Local Author and Restauranteur Visits School (5-4-22) Rizzo's Rizzi DeFabo shares book and pasta techniques with Sunrise 1st-graders