In honor of beloved teacher Jackie Landram, who passed away in 2022 from ovarian cancer, the staff of Penn Middle School created the GRIT award to honor Jackie and recognize students who possess her amazing personality traits of Grace, Resiliency, Integrity, and Tenacity.
“These students have displayed a positive attitude while facing various challenges,” commented Principal Jim Simpson. “We may not personally know what each one has faced, yet we can follow in their footsteps and push forward despite our setbacks.”
Award winners for the 2022-2023 school year were Connor Korinko, Dylan Landram, Allyson Paulone, Paul Pierce, and Maryn Tarbuck.
Various fundraisers held during the 2022-2023 school year raised over $6,000, which was donated to the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition in memory of Jackie.
Maryn Tarbuck, Connor Korinko, Dylan Landram, Allyson Paulone, and Paul Pierce
Dylan Landram stands in front of the GRIT award sign
The family of Jackie Landram was proud to attend; husband, Pete Landram, son Dylan Landram, and stepdaughter, Stephanie Stefanick