January is School Director Recognition Month

In honor of school boards’ commitment to Pennsylvania students, schools, and communities, January is once again designated School Director Recognition Month.

Pennsylvania public schools educate nearly 2 million students, including the 3,900 in the Penn-Trafford School District. The nine members of Penn-Trafford’s school board are a key part of the district’s administrative team, making informed decisions that lead public schools and provide opportunities for every student to succeed.

Penn-Trafford acknowledged its directors at its January 9 board meeting. 

School directors, who are unpaid, devote an average of 10 hours each month to the challenging and complex responsibilities of board business, including voting on budgets, adopting policy and conducting comprehensive planning. Their role has only been made more challenging by the ongoing effects of the pandemic and related issues that impact the well-being of our students and families.


The Penn-Trafford school directors are (Front) Mr. Jim Matarazzo, Mr. Nick Petrucci, Mr. Dallas Leonard, Mrs. Toni Ising, Mr. Rich Neimiec, (Back) Dr. Scott Koscho, Dr. Bryan Kline, Mr. Philip Kochasic, and Mr. Martin Stovar

The Penn-Trafford school directors are (Front) Mr. Jim Matarazzo, Mr. Nick Petrucci, Mr. Dallas Leonard, Mrs. Toni Ising, Mr. Rich Neimiec, (Back) Dr. Scott Koscho, Dr. Bryan Kline, Mr. Philip Kochasic, and Mr. Martin Stovar