In a lesson on French culture, the students in Mrs. Rizzardi’s French 1 class at Penn-Trafford High School learned about the annual Québec Winter Carnival. They then broke into small groups to design their own carnival mascots. The students were given an assortment of marshmallows, candy, icing, and craft sticks as well as one class period to build their mascot from the sweet treats. After a vote, the award for best mascot went to "Bonhomme de Pom-Poms" by Jake O’Connor, Bradley Heinbaugh and Logan Schafer.
Jake O’Connor & Bradley Heinbaugh work on their mascot
Trent McCoy, Bree Bennett, and Jordin Kober work on their mascot
The class upon completion of the project
The winner, Bonhomme de Pom-Poms